A-A-2522A As an alternative to the identification method described in paragraph, ASTM Standard Test Method D 276 (see 2.1) may be used to identify cotton fiber content.
4.7.3 Moisture Content. From the inspection sample for weight verification, randomly select 5 rags each from 5 bales (25 rags) with the moisture content to be determined immediately. If testing for moisture content is not possible immediately upon selection, the samples shall be placed in an air tight container or plastic bag and sealed to prevent moisture loss. To determine moisture content, place the rags in a tared air tight container is the original and weigh. This weight minus the tare weight of the container is the original weight of the rags, symbolized below by “Wo”. Remove the lid from the container and immediately place the container in an oven which has been preheated to a temperature of 221-230 oF (105-110oC). After a minimum of 2 hours, remove the container and immediately reseal. Allow to cool. After the container has cooled, reweigh. This weight of the rags, symbolized below by “Wd”. The percentage of moisture present in the samples shall be calculated using the following formula:
Percent Moisture Content= [Wo - Wd )/Wo] x 100
The moisture content of the samples shall be considered the moisture content of the entire lot. If the moisture content of the sample unit exceeds 7.5 percent, the entire lot shall be rejected.
4.7.4 Cloth weight verification. The lot size shall be in terms of the quantities of rags, based on 200 rags per bale. The inspection level shall be S-3, AQL 2.5 percent defective. The sample rags shall be measured for their mass per unit area as weighing shall not be required except in cases of dispute. The results shall be reported to the nearest 0.1 oz/yd2 (3.3 g/m2). For Grade A rags, any rag weighing less than 2.0 oz/yd2 (66.7 g/m2) or greater than 7.0 oz/yd2 (233.3 g/m2) shall fail. For Grade B rags, any rag weighing less than 3.0 oz/yd2 (100.0 g/m2) or greater than 10.0 oz/yd2 (333.3 g/m2) shall fail.
4.8 Examination of preparation for delivery. A random sample of bales shall be selected from each lot for examination for conformance with the preservation, packaging, packing, labeling, and marking required in the contract or order. Samples shall be selected in accordance with inspection level S-2, AQL 6.5, expressed in terms of defects per hundred units. The sample unit shall be one bale.
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